Friday, May 12, 2023

MovieStarPlanet at unreasonable times

Stress is something that comes naturally to me these days, with all the upcoming exams and coursework. I'm finding it hard to not only keep up motivation but to keep up with the work itself and it's leaving me utterly overwhelmed. Not to worry though, as MovieStarPlanet always has my back.

In my 13 years of MSP I have reached many goals on many accounts, but in recent years I took on the challenge of making as much progress as possible on one single US Server account, and recently there has been a lot of progress for me to be happy about. I understand it may seem ridiculous that Im 1. playing MSP at 20 years old and 2. I'm playing MSP during exam season, but when there are busy times filled with real-world troubles it's important to find time for things that will make you feel better - even if they're silly little online games.

The first cool thing I did recently was hit level 40 - and then 41 30 seconds later. I can't believe it. This is the highest level I've ever been and it's simply my 9-year-old self's dream. I am so happy to have such a developed account and Im even more thrilled to think about how I got there with hard work and dedication. Another wonderful thing about my level-ups is the fact that I am now already level 41 (and making my way to 42) which is just making me think level 50 - a lifetime goal - is not just possible but reasonable. As amazing as level 40/41 is, the prizes were still awful as always.

Of course, there is the question of how exactly I jumped 2 levels in under 1 minute and how difficult it was... to which the answer is my piggy bank. My beloved piggy bank, who had not been cracked open in over 3 years, finally met his maker so that I could meet level 41. I was umming and arring over whether it would be a good idea to open it, given the fact that it had been 1054 days of collecting all my diamonds, coins and fame but ultimately I decided if not now.. when? I couldn't sit on it forever. If I did then those rewards would probably end up wasted because I'd never open it until the game came to it's end. Now that I've done it I feel pretty chill and happy about it! I'm up to 4000 diamonds, plus the aforementioned 2 levels, and it feels pretty damn good.

Honourable Progress Mentions:

I hit 1 Million starcoins earned. That was another first-time milestone that also made me feel very cool and happy, but I will admit it doesn't necessarily feel like I've had 1 million coins... I've only got 150K now so where did they all go? Am I really that big of a shop-a-holic? Oh well...

There are almost 10,000 autographs in my fame mag (note: my fame mag has also not been opened in 3 years). This is less of an objective milestone and more of a 'hehe look at what I can do' thing. It just makes me feel good! 

Ultimately, none of this has anything to do with my exams or grades or feelings or whatever, but what it IS is a nice break when things are getting really tough to cope with. I hope that wherever you are you are not under too much stress and if your exams are soon then I wish you good luck!

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