Saturday, April 8, 2023

Some art and an update (:

Hi all !! I hope you've been having a good few weeks. I wanted to take a little time out of my day to share with you this art I had commissioned on the Bell Tree Forums. Full credit to the artist is available from the link to my profile at the bottom of both my blogs (I think?? It may be elsewhere).

I haven't been posting much for a whole mix of reasons, but the major one is I have been super busy with law work trying to make sure I can attend university this September and its completely wiped me out. The other free time Ive had has been used to be with me and my friends, but worry not hypothetical blog reader!!! For I have not given up on blogging and will return reliably probably some time in June. 
The only reason I'd come out of hiding is for Animal Crossing or the new Fashion Dreamer game Ive  been waiting for since the Nintendo Direct in February - but there's still no firm date for the latter.

Anyways Im gonna go, I hope I see you all soon.